Mobile coffee bar

Flavour and atmosphere are of utmost importance for us. That's what we try to represent with our eye-catching bars, we complete it with a sensation of flavours that our product brings. We do that by working with freshly roasted beans from Peru en fresh choices of tea. 
It all starts with artisanal products personally chosen by us at the companies. 
All the products we offer are carefully put together by the people within their craftsmanship and incorporated in The Netherlands into an end product

We always bring plant based milk and our 'normal' milk can be locally sourced as well. More flavourful locally sourced products and ingredients are bookable of course!
But first the fun part, our mobile coffee bars.

Coffee on location

Piaggio Ape

This mobile classical ''tuk tuk'' is a coffee bar where not one but two espresso machines can be fitted, double the fun.
A real beauty on every spot.

Personalised bar

This bar fits basically everywhere. Our own bar on wheels which we can personalise to your liking. The bar comes in oak wood & white.

Bikebar (koffiets)

This bikebar is cozy and favourable. The old cargo bike rolls smoothly through the day with our baristas behind it.